6 Ways to Feel Better in the First Trimester

Rest when you can in the first trimester of pregnancy

You have done the test; you are, in fact, pregnant. If you are anything like me, you are very excited but also trying to stay calm as you are aware of the first trimester's fragility. So right now, it is you and a select few, little secret. There is no bump and no glow, just a tiny small seed making an incredible journey growing inside you and making miraculous changes every day. In addition to the amalgamation of emotions you are going through, you may also be exhausted, slightly to extremely nauseous, and have the sense of smell of a detection dog. Here are some ways to try and feel better in those first few weeks.

1. Bring all the Snacks!

Do not let yourself get overly hungry. I have always had a big appetite, but one of the first signs I was pregnant was the fact I got so hungry so rapidly. It would all happen in an instant. 1) Brain, I'm hungry. 2) Mouth waters. 3) Either I'm eating, or I'm throwing up! Car snacks, Office snacks, bedroom snacks, In the bag on the go snacks! Say yes to snacks!


2. Rest is Best

You will get tired, it is ok to be tired, and although you will continue to feel tired throughout pregnancy, the first trimester is a different type of exhaustion. It is the type of tired where you are in the middle of a task, and you think to yourself, if I just lay my head on my hands and close my eyes for 2 mins I will feel better! And just like that, you could sleep. Like the hunger, it can come over you in an instant. Because you are not showing, there is no big baby bump or waddle, and you may feel like you don't have the right to be so exhausted. Yes, you do as your body is doing miraculous things inside and is very, very busy building a whole human. So please be kind to yourself and get as much rest as possible. Nap when you can, have early nights, say no, accept help and take it easy! 

3. Drink water

You will likely become a lot more thirsty when you are pregnant. Many symptoms are exacerbated by even mild dehydration, so be sure to keep a water bottle handy, so you can keep sipping throughout the day. You will also want to ditch the caffeine and high sugar drinks. Try adding lemon or fruits to your water and fresh ginger for tea, which may help with nausea. 

4. If you need to pee, you need to pee!

You cannot do a lot, I'm afraid, If you got to go, you have got to go! As annoying as it can be, it is essential to keep drinking fluids to sustain your increased blood levels and amniotic fluid during pregnancy. Always try to go before you leave one place and then go again once you arrive at your destination. On the contrary, if you have not been able to pee for more than six hours, you should consult your doctor or health care professional.

Drink water

5. Morning sickness is not just in the morning.

The term morning sickness is very misleading. It is not just what it says on the tin. It can be anytime sickness, 24-hour sickness, or no vomiting at all, just the nauseous feeling, which can often be worse as you have no relief! Drinking consistently throughout the day, not getting overly hungry, eating frequently, having snacks handy, natural ginger, and avoid overindulging in fatty, spicy, or sugary foods can help. Once you find something that works for you, go with it and keep disposable bags handy. Once I was sick in my car, which was not cute. I had to get a full valet and also stocked the car with paper bags should it happen again.  

 If you haven't been able to keep any food or fluids down for 24 hours and are experiencing severe nausea and vomiting, you should consult your doctor or healthcare professional. You could be at risk for dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance, both hazardous to you and your baby. 

6. Be your breast's friend.

Your bump won't be showing, but your breast will be growing. They will take on a whole new life of their own. I took a picture of my boobs at eight weeks, and I looked fresh off a boob job. They were huge, full, and solid. I would have to hold them as I eased out of a bra so they wouldn't 'drop' as that was painful. This is coming from a person who used to be an A cup! Make the girls as comfortable as possible, a soft, comfortable bra or support crop that fits your new size. Don't squish them; you are going through enough not to have the added discomfort of a tight underwired bra!

The first trimester can be a lot, and often no one is aware you are pregnant and the roller coaster of daily challenges you are going through. Know that incredible things are happening inside you and that you need to be as kind on yourself as possible. Do little things to make yourself comfortable, physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

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